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1. The Department of Medicine, University of Rio Verde (UniRV) 75900, Brazil
2. Medical School, University of Rio Verde (UniRV), 75900, Brazil


Introduction: Adolescence, is a life stage characterized by constant emotional instability and psychological conflicts. Analyzing the age of psychological transition of these adolescents along with the environment demands that those ones live, in conclusion, there are conflicts between particularities of intern and extern environment, besides self-knowledge of these adolescents, ending up in what we call AD (anxiety disorder). Objective: Raise reader’s awareness about the early recognition of ADs and stress. Methodology: Based on literature review. The virtual library Scielo and the Latin American Journal of Nursing were mainly consulted. Results: The AD is characterized as a mental health disturbance, which has as main symptoms feelings of preoccupation, anxiety or fear which are strong enough to interfere in daily activities. Its detection should be as early as possible, therefore, primary health care is the most efficient to prevent and detect this illness. Conclusion: It is possible to assure that primary health care (periodical medical check) has great impact on detecting and preventing the anxiety disorder in adolescent, since mental health professionals have used many working instruments which are useful for detecting this illness.


Anxiety, primary health care, depression.

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