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This article shows a side segment of efforts toward finding ways to successfully commercialize a high tech product in Iran. During last decades, sanctions against importing petrochemical most used and needed utilities caused difficulties for Iranian petrochemical production chain. Inconveniences provoked Iranian specialists to achieve technical knowledge toward finding new ways of local producing. Attempting(s) had been encompassed to complete the whole chain of production and consumption inside of the country. Concepts implicate that during recent years, Iranian specialists have taken special steps toward localizing needed catalysts as an example of important commodities. Considerable amount of analyses have been made by Iranian petrochemical community probing the problems and obstacles associated with successful producing and what it really takes for a successful commercialization. Thematic analysis has been implicated as the research method to evaluate concepts represented as interviewees’ analyzed declarations. Themes are analyzed toward mapping a successful merging with parties involved along with focusing on national commercializing streamline. Findings show that the idea of executing venture capital agencies as a new sector in the sequence of Iranian governmental and private petrochemical network has been appraised. Also, evaluating network management between parties involved and ways of policy making by the expert individuals are considered as the foremost factors to converse. Benchmarking feels as a necessary aspect as well to consider in the merging process. It has been concluded vital for Iranian companies to assess their own efficiency with accepted international standards, while on the other hand, they can take benchmark as a coming out opportunity when they commercialize in new intact market cooperating with renowned foreign companies. 


commercialization management, policy making, Iranian oil and gas network, benchmarking

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